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Monday, October 08, 2012


The Economy

Published September 8, 2011-Updated October 18, 2011

“Economic Inequality Jumpstarts a Political Revolution”

By Nathan’ette Burdine-Follow on Twitter@nbnylemagazine

            I always laugh whenever I watch I’m Gonna Get U Sucka and I hear Clarence William’s III character say, “Brothers went into the federal building with guns and came out with jobs.  The brothers weren’t mad any more.”  The statement’s simplicity and truthfulness points to how economic inequality jumpstarts a political revolution.  History has shown that economic inequality has resulted in a reorganization of the political landscape and a change in leadership.  Germany, for instance, was a democratic state still coping with the effects from WWI.  The grim job market and high poverty rate propelled Adolf Hitler into power.  After Hitler was elected, Germany’s economy was stifled by the nationalization of the economy and the segregation and exclusion of the Jewish population from the rest of the citizenry.  And like Germany, the Egyptians faced a similar script but with a different cast. 

            The Egyptian government squeezed the Egyptian citizens out of the job market by working on the principles of nepotism.  Former President Hosni Murbarak’s son, Gamal Mubarak, controlled the business sector.  The new businesses he brought in were quickly nationalized and jobs were given to individuals who had close ties to the government.  This resulted in smaller businesses being left out and more Egyptians being placed in the poverty line.  In a NewsWeek Magazine article, Christopher Dicky stated that while a new class of rich Egyptians evolved the young and educated Egyptians were left behind.  And with greater than 40% of the population living in poverty, it seemed only natural that labor strikes and mass protest ensured.

President Murbarak stood defiant before the mass protest.  He vowed never to leave office and proclaimed he was the only one who could restore Egypt to her greatness.  Unfortunately for Murbarak, he wouldn’t get a chance to restore Egypt to her greatness because he was ousted on February 12, 2011.  However, the promises of positive change haven’t taken root.  The country continues to be sectioned off based on class and talks of government abuse and corruption continue to abound.

The regime has as of yet to show that it can bounce back after the revolt which caused a 7% shrink in Egypt’s economy.  According to the New York Times’ writers David D. Kilpatrick and Dinah Salah Amer’s article “Egypt’s Economy Slows to a Crawl;  Revolt is tested,”  the money is not being distributed properly throughout Egypt.  The middle and upper class are reaping the benefits while the poor continues to struggle.  There is a stop-trickle down effect whereby the money stops when it suppose to trickle down to the lower class individuals.  Kilpatrick and Amer quoted Said Rifaatel-Saed, chairman of Egypt’s leftist Tagammu Party, as saying, “If this trickling down does not come by the will of the capitalist, it must come by the will of the state.”  Due to the state not being able to bring about the trickle down affect, “the capitalist” have had to step in.

The U.S., IMF, and World Bank have tried to assist Egypt by lending it $3billion dollars each to curtail its economic woes.  But despite the U.S., IMF, and World Bank’s loans, it appears that Egypt has inherent problems that may take years to solve.  The “capitalist” are faced with a question of if they should continue to use money as a way to resolve a problem that needs a complete legislative, executive, and judiciary overhaul.  Without a stable government to handle the economy, Egypt will have another political revolution due to its economic inequality.







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